Thursday, May 8, 2008

Godric's reflection

Hi this is Godric.From this project i have learned some discipline.To be on task first,then have fun next.We faced many problems because all we had in our mind was having fun,and we were not serious about our work.I also found out that getting a group of six to meet together was not easy.we sometimes had to do our project without one or two of our members.Next time i will be wiser in choosing my group.Nevertheless we had our great times and i feel that we have done our best.
Godric Ang Qing Feng (16)

Choong Kai's reflection of the project.

Throughout this whole project,I have learned a lot of things.From planning for what to do,to finding a proper time for all of us to meet together to do the project.I realised we faced many problems.Like not focusing on our work and talking,laughing when we're suppose to do our model.We also had problem finishing due to the heavy rain and wind,which cost us to remake our model twice.Thankfully we have a lot of ice cream sticks to remake the model.From this project i have learned to concentrate more,and be more on task,and most importantly i learned how to work as a team.

Chia Choong Kai(20)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Friday, May 2, 2008

wow!used materials..

Ice-cream sticks ??



We went to the computer lab during literature to update our blog and also discuss on the model.We discussed on putting in some more features such as benches and other stuff.We also agreed to use materials such as styrofoam and ice-cream sticks.We hope that we can start doing the project as soon as we can and can finish it before the exams.


We have went to the computer lab during literature lesson and done some research on down syndrome.We found out that down syndrome people are people who are in their own world.They are not normal cause they have another mind of their own.So we decided to do the playground specifically for down syndrome people by adding in features that would make them happy.
The sketch of the playground is from a playground that i found in the internet.It is not as followed cause i have improvised it by adding in other stuff like for example a slide and a swing.We hope that we can follow the sketch when building it cause the sketch is a very complicated with so many structures that are not very easy to build.