Monday, July 21, 2008

Jason's Proposal On How To Improve The Playground

Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines St 21

21 July 2008

Minister Mah Bow Tan
Minister For National Development
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Minister Mah

Feedback Regarding Playgrounds In Tampines

It is a pleasure to write to you regarding the playground suggestions and how to
Improve on it. I too, like to play the playground, so I have lots of suggestions to
help improve it. Tampines, one of the biggest districts in the east, have a lot of
population and it is starting to grow more and more so I suggest building a bigger
and wider playground for more children as everytime I visit the playground,
children often have to queue up in order to play something they want like the
swing or the see-saw.

The next thing I observe is that the playground is old, dirty and rusty. What I
suggest is that maybe once a fortnight, a cleaner may be sent and clean up the
playground instead of just leaving it there forever and doing nothing to it. Also,
playgrounds should also be installed with a shelter together with it to prevent it
from getting wet when it’s raining as I have saw many children with disappointed
faces and looking very sad.

The last thing I am going to say is playgrounds should not have any sharp objects
or anything that is hard as kids nowadays love to run about and play catching and
almost everytime I see a kid getting hurt or accidentally tripping themselves and
in the end, getting their heads hitting the hard floor. Maybe the material used to
contruct the playground can be plastic instead of hard metal and the floor,
something soft can be used to reduce the impact if the children falls down. If all
the playgrounds in Tampines can be like that, parents will be more at ease and
thus, be less worried about their kids playing the playground.

I hope that you can spend some of your time reading my proposal on how to
improve the playground and take action.

Yours Faithfully,
Jason Tan
Student Of Pasir Ris Secondary School

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